Rosso Canosa red italian wine

Rosso Canosa wine information from italian wines center:

Available labels for Rosso Canosa:

Rosso Canosa

Italian wines rate:DOC
Classification:Red wineSparkling:No
Rated since:24/02/1979Official date:20/07/1979, n° 198
Color:ruby red, more or less intense, tending to have orange glint with age.
Flavour:winey, Alcolico, pleasant, with flavour distinctive.
Taste:dry, sapid of good body, rightly tannic with bitterness aftertaste affable.
Prod. zone:Apulia: Bari (more on Apulia wines)
Uva di Troia N.65.0% 100.0%


Rosso Canosa Riserva

Italian wines rate:DOC
Classification:Red wineSparkling:No
Rated since:24/02/1979Official date:20/07/1979, n° 198
Color:ruby red, more or less intense, tending to have orange glint with age.
Flavour:winey, Alcolico, pleasant, with flavour distinctive.
Taste:dry, sapid of good body, rightly tannic with bitterness aftertaste affable.
Prod. zone:Apulia: Bari (more on Apulia wines)
Uva di Troia N.65.0% 100.0%

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