San Martino della Battaglia white italian wine

San Martino della Battaglia wine information from italian wines center:

Available labels for San Martino della Battaglia:

San Martino della Battaglia

Italian wines rate:DOC
Classification:White wineSparkling:No
Rated since:26/03/1970Official date:27/05/1970, n° 131
Color:yellow light orange aiming at golden with age
Flavour:Evoluto, intense, distinctive.
Taste:fresh, dry or round, with aftertaste light of almond
Prod. zone:Lombardy: Brescia (more on Lombardy wines)
Veneto: Verona (more on Veneto wines)
Tocai Friulano B.80.0% 100.0%


San Martino della Battaglia Liquoroso

Italian wines rate:DOC
Classification:White wineSparkling:No
Rated since:26/03/1970Official date:27/05/1970, n° 131
Color:yellow aiming at golden with age
Flavour:intense, distinctive
Taste:kindly sweet, velvety, harmonic and generoso, with light aftertaste of almond.
Prod. zone:Lombardy: Brescia (more on Lombardy wines)
Veneto: Verona (more on Veneto wines)
Tocai Friulano B.80.0% 100.0%

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