Barbera d'Asti italian wine

Barbera d'Asti wine information from italian wines center:

Available labels for Barbera d'Asti:

Barbera d'Asti

Italian wines rate:DOC
Classification:Red wineSparkling:No
Rated since:09/01/1970Official date:23/03/1970, n° 73
Color:ruby red aiming at garnet red with age.
Flavour:winey with flavour distinctive, Tendente All'ethereal with age.
Taste:dry, soft, bold, with Adeguato Invecchiamento more harmonic, affable, of taste full.
Prod. zone:Piedmont: Alessandria - Asti (more on Piedmont wines)
Barbera N.85.0% 100.0%


Barbera d'Asti Superiore

Italian wines rate:DOC
Classification:Red wineSparkling:No
Rated since:09/01/1970Official date:23/03/1970, n° 73
Color:ruby red aiming at garnet red with age.
Flavour:winey with flavour distinctive, Tendente All'ethereal with age.
Taste:dry, soft, bold, with Adeguato Invecchiamento more harmonic, affable, of taste full.
Prod. zone:Piedmont: Alessandria - Asti (more on Piedmont wines)
Barbera N.85.0% 100.0%

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